This website provides samples of high school resumes and an online resume builder.
High School Resume Examples and Resume Builder
How Do I Pay for College?
This packet identifies the various types of financial aid resources, explains the steps to completing the FAFSA, describes the DC Tuition Assistance Program, and lists common scholarship opportunities and resources available for students residing in the District of Columbia.
Increasing College Opportunity for Low-Income Students: Promising Models and a Call to Action, 2014
The Executive Office of the President and the Department of Education engaged with leading experts to identify the barriers to increasing college opportunity and helping and encouraging low-income students to apply, enroll, and succeed in college. They identified four key areas of work to promote college opportunity:
• Connecting more low-income students to colleges where they can succeed and encouraging completion
• Increasing the pool of students preparing for college
• Reducing inequalities in college advising and test preparation
• Seeking breakthroughs in remedial education
This website provides tools for interviewing and applying directly to jobs online.
Jung Typology Test
A personality test based on Carl Jung's and Isabel Briggs Myers' approach to personality. Results of this test will help you identify careers, colleges, and job training programs most suitable for your personality type.
Knocking at the College Door: Projections of High School Graduates
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), projects the number of high school graduates in the US from school years 2000-01 through 2031-32. The data are disaggregated by state and region, public and private schools, and race/ethnicity.
A webtool for homeless residents of DC to find shelters, service facilities, and public Wifi located near them.
O*NET OnLine
The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) OnLine has detailed career descriptions for use by students, counselors, job seekers, and others. Counselor resources include the Career Exploration Tools, O*NET OnLine, and OnLine's Skills Search. Students can learn more about a specific occupation from My Next Move or discover occupations suited for them through the Interest Profiler and Work Importance Profiler assessments.
Pathways To Success: Integrating Learning with Life and Work to Increase National College Completion
In 2011, the Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance held a hearing and asked experts to address the 1) barriers to access and persistence, 2) best practices, and 3) the role of the federal government in serving nontraditional students.
Pennsylvania Career Zone
This website provides tools and assessments for career exploration and preparation.