AttainDC is a research-based webtool that provides customized resources for nontraditional young people in the Washington, DC area who want to enroll in postsecondary. The tool was jointly developed by a group of local stakeholders to help young people identify appropriate postsecondary options and supports that can help remove their unique barriers to postsecondary attainment. AttainDC is intended to be used by students and career counselors in tandem.
In 2017, in collaboration with Raise DC’s Community Partnership for Postsecondary Attainment (CPPA) and the Greater Washington Community Foundation, FHI 360 led the development of AttainDC webtool to better match DC’s opportunity youth with local postsecondary institutions and financial aid resources. AttainDC built on the existing CPPA network that included local CBO organizations who reengage opportunity youth and the postsecondary institutions that provide programs and supports catered to the unique needs of these students.
CPPA specifically focused on opportunity youth ages 16-24 and involved working with seven local innovative programs/schools in order to significantly improve young people’s college preparation, enrollment, transition and completion (earning a degree (two or four year) or a certificate of value).
CPPA members and contributors to the AttainDC tool include the following organizations:
Community-based organizations
• Academy of Hope
• Covenant House
• Goodwill of Greater Washington
• Latin American Youth Center
• Latin American Youth Career Academy
• Next Step Charter School
• So Others Might Eat
Higher education programs
• Northern Virginia Community College
• Trinity Washington University
• Trinity@THEARC
• University of the District of Columbia (UDC)
• UDC Community College
• UDC Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning
For more information about AttainDC, please email us at
FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions. Our education work in the United States spans the continuum of learning and development from early childhood to adulthood.